Troubleshoot Instrument Connections

The PathWave BenchVue application uses Keysight Connection Expert, which is part of the Keysight IO Libraries Suite, to automatically configure your instrument IO. Connection Expert displays the status of your instruments as determined by the Keysight Instrument Discovery Service, which loads whenever your computer is running with IO Libraries Suite installed. Most instruments are automatically discovered by the Instrument Discovery Service and you will see those instruments in the PathWave Instrument Panel. In some cases, however, you may need to launch Connection Expert to manually add an instrument to your configuration.

If an instrument you are expecting to see is not shown, you can use Keysight Connection Expert to manually add that instrument to your configuration – usually for serial (RS-232) instruments and LAN instruments that are not on your local subnet or for older LAN-based instruments. Note that if one of your instruments was discovered at an earlier time but communication can no longer be established with that instrument, it will not be shown in the instruments drop-down list. In most cases, this means that the instrument has been disconnected or turned off. If you are experiencing connection issues with an instrument, be sure to verify that the instrument is turned on and is properly connected to the selected interface.

In order for PathWave BenchVue application to recognize and communicate with a PXI modular instrument, you must first enable the HiSLIP interface from the instrument's Soft Front Panel (SFP). For more information, see Connecting to PXI Modular Instruments.

Common Connectivity Issues

Below is a list of common connectivity issues to review if you are having problems connecting your instruments to PathWave BenchVue application.

Check SCPI Compatibility - Verify that your instrument supports the SCPI (Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments) instrument programming language, which PathWave BenchVue application requires in order to communicate with instruments.

Install Latest Instrument Firmware - Make sure your instrument firmware is up to date.

Verify IO Communication - Verify that you can communicate with your instrument using Keysight Connection Expert. For more information on using Connection Expert, see the Connection Expert Help.

Check Proxy Settings - Proxy servers are commonly used to control access from an internal network to the external Internet. In some situations, you may not be able to establish communication with an instrument if you are using a proxy server. By default, PathWave BenchVue application uses the proxy settings configured for your computer.

Supported Instruments - Although we are continually adding support for new instruments, PathWave BenchVue application does not currently support all Keysight instruments. For a complete list of instruments supported by the PathWave BenchVue applications, go to

Keysight IO Libraries Suite - From the Windows Control Panel, uninstall the following two shared components: (1) IVI Shared Components and (2) VISA Shared Components. Then perform a "Repair" (not "Modify") of Keysight IO Libraries Suite, which will reinstall the two shared components.

Keysight IO Libraries Suite and NI MAX - If National Instruments Measurement & Automation Explorer™ was previously installed and then removed in a "side by side" installation with Keysight IO Libraries Suite, you will need to restore some missing files. From the Windows Control Panel, find Keysight IO Libraries Suite and then select "Modify" (not "Repair") to restore the missing files.

Keysight USB/GPIB Converter and NI MAX - If you are using the Keysight 82357B USB/GPIB Interface Converter with National Instruments Measurement & Automation Explorer™, make sure to select the "Passport to Tulip" option in NI MAX.

Keysight USB/GPIB Converter and Addresses to Avoid - If you are using the Keysight 82357B USB/GPIB Interface Converter, avoid the following GPIB addresses: 9, 11, 13, 25, 27, and 29. These addresses do not always respond correctly to a Serial Poll operation which PathWave BenchVue application uses. Note that some Keysight instruments, such as the Keysight DAQ973A, use "9" as their default GPIB address; be sure to change the address to ensure proper operation.

PXI Modular Instrument Connections - In order for PathWave BenchVue application to recognize and communicate with a PXI modular instrument, you must first enable the HiSLIP interface from the instrument's Soft Front Panel (SFP). For more information, see Connecting to PXI Modular Instruments.

Verify RS-232 Settings - If you are connecting to your instrument via RS-232, make sure you have configured the COM port settings on your computer to agree with your instrument settings (baud rate, parity, etc.). Since some instruments work best with handshaking enabled, you might also try using a USB/RS-232 interface converter (such as the FTDI US232R-100 converter). Make sure you have installed the correct driver for the USB/RS-232 interface converter and that it shows up in Windows Device Manager.

Verify User Login - Make sure that you are logged into your computer with the same User Name as your last session. If PathWave BenchVue application is running while a second user logs into the same computer, the second user will not be able to launch the PathWave BenchVue application.

See Also

Performance Considerations

Technical Support